How a diamond is cut effects how it reflects light. If a diamond is cut too deep or too shallow then light escapes and the diamond doesn’t sparkle to its full capacity. Put simply, well cut diamonds have more sparkle.


The carat is the weight of a diamond, not the size. How a diamond is cut will impact the carat weight. We can measure and advise on diamonds which have been cut well and retained the stones true carat weight. In this case, bigger is not necessarily better.


Clarity refers to the number of flaws within a diamond. Your ring will look completely flawless to the unexperienced eye, only microscopes can pick up flaws. At Mason Carter, our experienced jewellers can advise the true clarity of a diamond, as flaws can be difficult to define by an untrained eye.


You might be surprised to know that diamonds come in a variety of shades and colours. There are pink and champagne diamonds which produce gemstones in a vast array of colours from rose pink to deep purple. ‘Fancies’ are rare diamonds formed by accidents in nature which produce diamonds in intense shades of blues, yellows and greens.
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